10 Tips to properly address PQRS in social networks

When a company has an active presence in different social networks, it is exposed to receive Requests, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions (PQRS) from dissatisfied customers, this is a fact that will always occur; what many companies do not take into account is that a correct and quick response can generate that a customer who was previously dissatisfied, will fall in love with the company to such an extent that it will begin to attract other customers.

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Solution of PQRS - Petitions, Complaints, Grievances, Claims and Suggestions

Within the Customer Service area of the companies, there is a special division in charge of attending to customer Requests, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions and it is responsible for generating a large part of the loyalty of the target market, making sales generate an added value by closely connecting the buyer with the products and services offered by the company.

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Key success factors for implementing a Shared Services Center

Shared Services have grown and consolidated as a service delivery model, generally consisting of an organizational unit that provides back office support to clients, eliminating redundant processes and systems, providing the organization with better control of information and allowing it to concentrate its efforts on core business processes.

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Un buen servicio al cliente, base del éxito comercial

En un mundo donde competir y marcar la diferencia son la clave para alcanzar un espacio dentro del universo empresarial y corporativo, nada como un buen servicio al cliente para ser diferenciales. Pero para ello, dicen los expertos, la satisfacción integral frente a un producto o servicio no se da solo por atender un reclamo o cambiar un artículo que ha resultado defectuoso. Es ir más allá.

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¿Cómo mejorar los niveles de desempeño?

No hay empresa que no tenga mesa de ayuda hoy. Así de categórica es la opinión de los expertos en tecnología, entre ellos, el Gerente de Consultoría y Preventa de una reconocida empresa de tecnología, quien señala que “aunque sea incipientemente los sistemas de help desk han proliferado. “Actualmente se les llama ‘mesa de servicio’, ampliando su concepto y significado, porque permiten centralizar todos los servicios requeridos en un solo ‘front’, canalizando así los requerimientos y obteniendo un mejor nivel de respuesta”, explica.

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Beneficios de lograr la satisfacción del cliente

Esta es la razón por la cual el tema de la “satisfacción del cliente” es prioridad en la agenda de la más alta dirección de toda organización.
La satisfacción del cliente es “el nivel del estado de ánimo de una persona que resulta de comparar el rendimiento percibido de un producto o servicio con sus expectativas” Philip Kotler.

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Benefits of providing good quality customer service

Customer service is a universal concept: most companies have a department dedicated to it. Companies that maintain good quality on the front end of their operations are well on their way to becoming a better company and providing their customers with the quality service they deserve and should expect.

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